Affordable Website Development For Baxter and Brainerd Minnesota

Having an affordable Website for your business is a key part of your business’s success. It needs to be attractive, inform your audience, help build confidence, and generate sales for you. Just like any other publicly viewable part of your business, you need not only build your Website to satisfy your audience but it also needs to be maintained – just as you would any other asset – vehicle or storefront.

If you have an existing Website do you know if it’s providing value? Often companies build their business Website once and then forget about it. It quickly becomes antiquated and uninformative. Yet you are potentially missing out on a lot of business by not maintaining your Website.

With my services, you won’t wonder if you are getting value back. I will provide you with reports that show how well your Website is working.

So what goes into developing a website that works for my local area – such as in the Baxter and Brainerd areas of Minnesota?

SEO Expert Duluth

Building and Affordable Website

There are many facets to a good Website that actually helps achieve your goals. First you have to define the goal – giving your customer confidence or brining in new business? There are really many steps involved but a key one is to understand your business goals. As a Website developer I want to understand your business goals. I truly care about your success. I will build or update your Website so that it works to meet those goals.

As you can see in the diagram below. There is not only the technical aspects to a Website but it also must be written to work well for your Clients, Search Engines and Mobile devices. We will work on a layout as well as defining the content we need to meet those goals. A vital part is investigating the search terms people use (called Keywords) to find businesses like yours. And it’s not just about one-time keyword research but an ongoing flow. When you live and work in an area on the great lakes area of Baxter and Brainerd you need to focus your message on the area in which you work and play. Your area is not just local businesses and customer but also those who are seasonal visitors.

Duluth SEO Expert

I typically use two paid services to help you get listed on all the directories you need to be on. It’s far cheaper than paying me to do it and they are really good! Also, in some cases, I recommend another paid service to write a few blog articles about your industry and mention your business. This helps build quality links to your site quickly.

There is a continual SEO review/audit process I recommend. I provide you with a monthly report which shows traffic and changes based on your keywords. We use this to further optimize your pages.

SEO Duluth

There are two broad categories of SEO. Local SEO and National SEO.

Local Duluth SEO Expert

Local SEO is primarily focused on a smaller radius. Make sure you are listed in local directories, understand your local competition and ensure you will rank ahead of them when people search for your company. For example, a local HVAC company will want to focus on different search keywords than a national donut chain.

Remember SEO is not just about someone in California finding you but someone who has recently moved into your geographic region and needs a local business.

Not all local business website developers take the time to understand this. I do because it’s what will make your Website valuable to you!

On Page SEO Optimization Service – What Is It?

On Page Optimization Duluth SEO

On-page optimization covers many aspects but at a high level, it is focused on making sure the content on your page (images and text) tells search engines what your site and page is about. This helps you get found when someone searches for you.

As you can see there are many items that go into On-Page Optimization. I take care of all these things when I help develop your Website. You need an HVAC SEO Expert to help you win more business.

Keyword Research as part of SEO Services

Keywords play an important role as does making sure your images are labeled properly. Sometimes it’s the simple things that are missed and are so important. I make sure there is a proper structure on every page of your Website. This helps ensure you are optimized for search engines and more traffic to your Website. I know this all looks like a lot of work and it is however as an experienced Web developer I know how to do all this quickly and efficiently.

As you can see getting someone who can provide you with the SEO Services you need is important. I can provide the services you need.

SEO Expert Duluth

You need someone local to you. I have worked with local businesses for a long time. Duluth is a great area to work and play in. Below you will find some helpful business links.

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Read more about how I can help you with an SEO Audit, Keyword Research, or help develop or maintain your business website.

Affordable St. Cloud SEO and Website Development – Additional Areas Served

Your Business WebSite & SEO Development Partner

It’s the personal customer service and great work ethic I pride myself on. Give me a try today!

Or call me at one of these phone numbers 218.831.7932 or 727.922.5010